Aiming to support women entrepreneurs, the 6th Women in Innovation Project Camp, organized in cooperation with KADEM, TÜBİTAK Marmara Teknokent, Bilişim Vadisi and KOSGEB, started recently. At the ceremony held today, the project, which received training from experts for 5 days and ranked in the top 5, received its awards.
The ceremony started with watching a movie about the Women in Innovation Project and the camp process, and the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) Chairman of the Board Dr. Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu and Vice President. Mrs. Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar continued by giving information about the details of the project and the support she provided to women’s employment, and thanking everyone who contributed especially during the camp period.

Minister Yanık: “We aim for a peaceful Turkey with women”
Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services, who came to the podium to make her speech afterward, made statements about the importance of women in working life and said: “I would like to say that I came here proudly knowing that strong women mean strong tomorrows today, where women’s pioneering and innovative identity stands out. On the one hand, we have a non-governmental organization that works for women to live with human dignity at national and international level. On the other hand, women with open minds who transform science for the benefit of humanity with their innovative work. The energy and results achieved by the joining of these two groups make us proud. As the Ministry of Family and Social Services, we always stand by and support women’s participation in social life. We aim for a safe, prosperous and peaceful Turkey with women who have strong roles in the family and have the right to speak in social life.”
Female Employment Exceeded 9 Million
Minister Yanık: “We continue to strengthen our women in working life as well. With our seminars on “Financial Literacy and Women’s Economic Empowerment” in 81 provinces, we have supported the increase of awareness and courage of nearly 571,000 women. With the policies we have implemented, women’s employment has exceeded 9 million as of July 2021. In this process, women gained the power to create employment beyond their participation in the workforce. As employers, women contribute to production, economic stability and also open the door to women’s employment. I can read this belief and will in the bright young faces I see here today.”
KADEM Helps Women Achieve Brilliant Success
Saying that KADEM carries out activities that support women’s attainment of their human rights, Mrs. Yanık said: “KADEM, which is also the pioneer of the Women in Innovation project, whose closing program was held today, also mediates the achievement of brilliant achievements by women. With such projects, women’s innovative ideas are enabled and their presence in the technological field is ensured. I find this very valuable and important.”
I Wish It Will Be Useful To Humanity
Saying that the boundaries for women are directly proportional to the dreams they can set, Minister Yanık said: “As they get equal and fair opportunities, the number of women who study, research and contribute to science and humanity with their different abilities is increasing day by day, and these women produce social benefits. Thus, the areas in our lives that have been made beautiful by the hands of women are also expanding. In this sense, I would like to thank KADEM for increasing the effectiveness of women in science and technology with the Women in Innovation Project. I congratulate all the women who revive the innovation world with their unique ideas, and the finalists who are nominated for an award with their projects, and I wish their success to grow exponentially and to be beneficial to all humanity.” said.

Minister Varank: “Our target is to increase the participation rate of women in business life to 41 percent”
Minister Varank, who started his sentences by talking about the successes of women in business life in Turkey: “We know that now the gap in equality of opportunity between women and men is getting narrower thanks to technological opportunities. We are moving from labor and muscle-intensive jobs to mind and thought-intensive jobs. Thanks to digitalization, our dependence on space and time disappears. All this brings men and women to the same point on the starting line. For a sustainable development, we need to take much clearer steps on women’s participation in business life. One of our 2023 goals is to increase the participation rate of women in business life to 41 percent. Of course, this target should not be interpreted as only increasing women’s employment. In fact, we aim to have women more involved in decision mechanisms and key positions. For this, we want to share the dream of as many women entrepreneurs as we can reach.”
Varank said that it is impossible to imagine the future of Turkey where women are not active in every field, and said, “For this reason, we are determining strategies by producing solutions to remove the obstacles in front of women’s participation in socio-economic life.
The Best Women Can Dream of a Good Turkey
Minister Varank, who said that we are always with our women entrepreneurs with KOSGEB, said: “We have an understanding that aims to touch the lives of as many people as we can. We know that when the women whose efforts we support are successful and happy, the family will be stronger. In the end, the whole society will be stronger! Women, who have been representing power and nobility in Anatolia for centuries, will be among the architects of the new Turkey in the future. We do not accept the role of women as the unsung heroes of difficult times or the role of a good employee. Since entrepreneurship is the driving force of the world economy, we want women to appear before us as successful entrepreneurs. We believe that the best women can dream of a better Turkey.”
Minister Varank, who said that we have witnessed the success of young women working in different fields at TEKNOFEST this year, said: “The teams dominated by women received serious awards in important competitions. We were all touched by the efforts of bright-brained young women who woke up due to the competition and took turns with their friends to meet their need for sleep. Therefore, if we are aiming for full success, women should definitely be there.”
Stating that they organized the event together with KADEM, Varank said: “KADEM is trying to make women start out stronger and more conscious of their rights when stepping into business life. In the coming period, it will come to the fore more with what he has done in this sense. I wholeheartedly believe this. Concluding my words with these feelings and thoughts, I sincerely congratulate all women entrepreneurs who participated in the competition and won awards.” he thanked all the participants.
After the speeches, the ceremony; It ended with the awarding of crystal awards to 5 entrepreneur women who made it to the finals with the scores of the referee committee and certificates to 30 entrepreneurs who participated in the camp.
The ceremony held at IT Valley Eren Bülbül Conference Hall; Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services, Mustafa Varank, Minister of Industry and Technology, Governor Seddar Yavuz, Kocaeli Deputy Emine Zeybek, Istanbul Deputy Emine Sare Aydın, Gebze Technical University Rector Prof.Dr. Muhammed Hasan Aslan, Chairman of the Board of KADEM Dr. Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu, Deputy Chairman of KADEM Board of Directors. Ms. Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar, Gebze District Governor Mustafa Güler, Provincial Police Chief Veysal Tipioğlu, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander J.Kd. alb. Yavuz Selim Kapancı, Secretary General of the East Marmara Development Agency, Dr. Mustafa Çapoğlu, General Manager of Informatics Valley Ahmet Serdar İbrahimcioğlu and many guests attended.