Another first from Togg: Announced at CES 2023

Turkey’s global technology brand Togg, serving in the field of mobility, announced its smart device-integrated digital asset wallet, the first of its kind in the world, at CES 2023, the world’s largest Consumer Electronics Fair. Togg CEO Gürcan Karakaş said, “We aim to take the mobility experience of users to another point with our product, the digital asset wallet, which we developed on the blockchain of our strategic partner Ava Labs.”

According to Togg’s statement, at CES, the meeting point of the latest innovations and firsts in technology, Togg exhibited its vision for the mobility of the future and announced technology products that will take the mobility experience of users to the next level.

Togg has built on Avalanche, the world’s first smart device-integrated digital asset wallet of its kind. With this wallet, users will have an unlimited number of use cases, including accessing, securely storing, and transferring their digital assets on the go.

On the other hand, Togg announced that it has created an NFT marketplace where users can access unique digital assets. Users will be able to view and use NFTs from the screens of their smart devices via the Togg NFT marketplace.

These NFTs will be displayed on the user’s screen with a special “Art Mode”. In addition to these features, Togg’s supply chain project on the blockchain will also allow users to easily access the service history, replacement parts, and transportation history of the devices. In this way, users will gain more transparency and control over the maintenance and repair of their devices.

“We want to take the user experience to another point”
Togg CEO Gürcan Karakaş stated that they define Togg smart devices as their third living space and said:

“We are working to create an open and accessible ecosystem for everyone around our smart device and digital products by putting the user at the center. We continue our work on blockchain technology and our collaborations with the best of our country and the world in order to connect independent ecosystems and produce uninterrupted smart life solutions. In this context, we aim to take the mobility experience of users to another point with our digital asset wallet, our product developed on the blockchain of our strategic partner Ava Labs. The mobility ecosystem has no limits, it will go wherever we take it.”

Emin Gün Sirer, Founder and CEO of Ava Labs, said, “Togg showed excellent foresight by choosing Avalanche as the location for its blockchain startups last year. Now it has taken another big step towards realizing its bold vision of transforming smart mobility.”.

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