After saying white-collar and blue-collar, the digital collar robot personnel era has begun.
“It will contribute to continuity and increase efficiency”
Expressing that the digital-collar personnel, which will contribute to the sustainability of the R&D and test studies carried out in the laboratories, will also increase the efficiency of the white and blue-collar personnel, Ekrem Özcan, General Manager of OTAM, said that they will also host the development studies of robot personnel to be used in interlaboratory works for employment .

Stating that new personnel can be easily given directives through the mobile application developed by the startup called Speedy Market, which was founded by Murat Ayrancı, Emre Çekiç and Orhan Gazi Light, Özcan said that he went to the relevant department in line with the directive and received the requested items, and because it works integrated with the building’s floor plans and elevator system, it could be done in a short time. He said he was able to deliver what he wanted.
Noting that its location during the journey can also be seen, Özcan said, “It sends a notification to your phone when it arrives. You can open the cover of the robot personnel and safely receive your products and devices by touching the notification received on your smart devices while waiting at your door. During this busy work process, shifts and overtime can be written to our digital-collar personnel like our other employees. ” he said.

“Other employees will be able to turn to value-added jobs”
Stating that there is a busy pace in their company, so that white and blue-collar personnel can devote more time to value-added works, Özcan pointed out that this year, in the vehicle tests of various brands, especially Renault, Honda, Ford, they drove enough to circumnavigate the world twice. continued:
“In our laboratories, where heavy vehicle engine development works are carried out in 3 shifts, our white and blue collar personnel are at the forefront of their continuous tests. Additional personnel are needed for transfers such as sensors, devices, instruments and documents required for tests, which require transfer between laboratories. It can be handled while on shift, but in the 3-shift system, the digital collar robot staff is more efficient. Thus, our white and blue collar staff will be able to devote more time to value-added work.”
Stating that the said personnel will also contribute in terms of compliance with the measures required by the pandemic, Özcan said, “We ask the robot personnel to wear masks while working between laboratories, to inspect social distance compliance issues, to make necessary warnings and report in violations. Another initiative in this regard is with Pixselect’s solutions. We plan to work in an integrated manner,” he said.
“We will open our test branch within TOSB soon”
TOSB: Automotive Supply Industry Specialized Organized Industrial Zone
Noting that they are working to make their centers one of the leading companies in automotive technologies, Özcan stated that they research and test the newest technologies in the world, provide them with the opportunity to experience their initiatives and present them to their customers.
Emphasizing the importance of the “Remote Management Augmented Reality Platform”, which they commissioned to allow remote connection to their tests, Özcan noted that customers can access and monitor their tests remotely by connecting to their technicians’ glasses without coming to their headquarters.
On the other hand, Özcan shared information about the OTAM TOSB Automotive Parts Test Center, which is under construction within the Automotive Supply Industry Specialized Organized Industrial Zone (TOSB) and where they plan to employ digital collar robot personnel, and said, “In the branch that we plan to serve in the last quarter of this year, there will be automotive parts. We will conduct tests such as environmental and mechanical.” he ended his speech.