Türkiye, which is shown as a game-changing power in the world with its unmanned systems, continues to grow in this field. Developed by ASELSAN, the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Aslan performs the most demanding tasks with the highest technology.
Unmanned land, sea and air vehicles with autonomous movement capability of ASELSAN, one of the largest defense companies in the world; It performs tasks such as reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence, submarine defense warfare, surface warfare, and combating asymmetric threats.
Unmanned systems developed by ASELSAN take on serious tasks in critical areas such as engagement with enemy elements, security of critical facilities, border surveillance, intervention with hand-made explosives, search and rescue and logistics support.
Aslan İKA was exhibited to the public for the first time at TEKNOFEST Black Sea.
It does not need an operator with its autonomous feature.
One of the systems that ASELSAN brought to Türkiye in the field of unmanned systems was the ASLAN Unmanned Ground Vehicle (IKA). ASLAN İKA, produced with the domestic and national engineering power of ASELSAN; reconnaissance, surveillance, target detection.
ASLAN, which can be equipped with SARP-L Remote Controlled Weapon System and other useful loads, can be autonomously or remotely commanded, has been developed with the highest technology for the most demanding missions.
ASLAN; It can be controlled remotely with the control console, and it can also move autonomously by detecting the area by passing without the need of an operator thanks to its autonomy features in difficult terrain and environmental conditions.
With a width of 1.35 cm and a length of 1.65 cm, the ASLAN İKA has a weight of approximately 700 kilograms.
Able to work for more than 4 hours depending on the task, ASLAN can perform demanding tasks at temperatures of -20 and +49 degrees with its electric motor.
ASLAN, which has Sarp-L Weapon System, load basket, electrically upgradeable mast surveillance system, is planned to enter the inventory in the near future.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles and Alan
In order to meet the needs of the Land Forces, the Defense Industry Presidency has initiated the development of an Unmanned Land Vehicle platform that can be remotely commanded, capable of reconnaissance, surveillance, target detection and on which various weapon systems and other systems needed can be mounted.
In this context, the Presidency of Defense Industries signed a contract with ASELSAN in April 2020 for the development and supply of Medium Class 2 Level Unmanned Ground Vehicles.
Within the scope of the development of the Medium Class 1st Level Unmanned Ground Vehicle platforms, prototype racing activities were initiated by the Presidency of Defense Industries in 2020.
It can be controlled remotely with the vehicle control console, and it can move by sensing environmental obstacles without the need for an operator, thanks to its autonomy features.
The vehicle moves with an electric motor. Mission speed can reach up to 10 km/h. The vehicle can cross ditches up to 60 cm and can move on 60% steep and 30% side slopes.

Sarp-L System
Although ASLAN has a wireless communication range of up to 800 m, it can also be controlled over the GSM network.
The SARP-L Remote Controlled Stabilized Weapon System, a product of the Defense System Technologies Sector Presidency, is used as the main weapon on the ASLAN platform.
The SARP-L System can be used against air and land threats in tactical land vehicles, as well as against asymmetric threats in fixed facilities. In accordance with the usage requirements, a 7.62 mm machine gun or a 5.56 mm machine gun can be attached to the system.
SARP Remote Controlled Stabilized Weapon System, a product family, has been exported to more than 20 countries to date.
The SARP-L System, which has an advanced remote control system and provides day/night surveillance, increases the awareness of the shooting personnel and takes their safety to the highest level.
Thanks to these features, the SARP-L, which has automatic target tracking and stabilization capabilities, is able to shoot at moving targets when the wheeled or tracked vehicle it is integrated on is moving or stable.
Weapon Options
• 7,62 mm : FN MAG58 Machine Gun
• M240 Machine Gun
• 5.56 mm : FN M249 Machine Gun
Ammunition Capacity
• 7,62 mm : > 500 pcs
• 5.56 mm : > 800 pcs
• Above Platform : < 150 kg (7.62mm Configuration Combat Weight)
• Internal Units : < 40 kg
Source gdhdijital