Israel completely lost control of Lid! State of emergency declared in the city where civil war broke out

A state of emergency was declared in the city of Lid, Israel, following the events that took place at the funeral of a Palestinian martyred by Jewish settlers. Speaking of the latest developments, Mayor Yair Revivo said, “All Israelis should know, control has been lost. Synagogues are being burned, hundreds of cars have been set on fire. Hundreds of thugs Arab are roaming the streets. Civil war has officially broke out here.”

Continuing to attack Gaza despite the reactions from all over the world, Israel continued its attacks on Palestine until the late hours. In the attacks of the Israeli army, 12 children, 35 Palestinians lost their lives, 233 people were injured. While the inhuman attacks on Gaza continued, the streets in the Israeli city of Lid turned into a war zone.

There was tension at the funeral

Some Jews waved the Israeli flag at the funeral for Musa Hassune, an Israeli citizen who was martyred in Lid by a Jewish settler, causing tension between Palestinians and Israelis.

Palestinian people could no longer endure Israel’s persecution and started a riot

“Civil war broke out”

After the funeral, the tension in the city gradually increased, the Mayor of the city, Yair Revivo, said that he asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare a state of emergency. “What happened is big and heavy for the police,” said Mayor Revivo, calling for the deployment of the army in the city, saying, “All Israelis should know, control has been lost. Synagogues are being burned, hundreds of cars have been set on fire. Hundreds of thugs are roaming the streets. Civil war has officially broke out here.”

The image Israeli soldiers wait in the city of Lid

Control of the city may be lost

Comparing the events that took place in Lid to the ‘Crystal Night’, when the Nazis carried out attacks on Jewish homes, workplaces and synagogues in Germany in 1938, Revivo warned that the control of the city could be completely ruled out.

On the other hand, Jews in Akko evacuated all residences due to the intense attack of Palestinians. Israel stopped all flights at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv due to rockets from Gaza. Palestinians revolted in Umm al-Fahm in the Israeli-occupied Haifa region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

State of emergency declared for the first time since 1966

In a report in Israel’s Times Of Israel, it was stated that it was the first time since 1966 that the state of emergency was used for Israeli citizens, Palestinians.

In the report, it was stated that synagogues and many cars were burned as a result of the incidents in Lid, where Israelis and Palestinians shared the same city.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu does not back down

As Israel’s persecution of Palestine continued, a new threatening message came from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We will further increase the severity of our attacks,” Netanyahu said, reporting that the Israeli army has carried out hundreds of air strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza since the beginning of the week.

Speaking after his security meeting with military officials, the Israeli Prime Minister said that Hamas “will be shot in a way he never expected.”

Israelis fled to shelters and city control passed to Palestinians

Attack threat from Israeli Chief of Staff

Stating that they are working in coordination with the air force to prevent rocket attacks, Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said, “We have achieved great success in preventing rocket attacks from Gaza. We will continue large-scale attacks. We will not allow rockets from a single house in Gaza.”

Death toll rises to 35 in Israeli attack on civilians

Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip allowed Israeli police to withdraw from Masjid al-Aqsa and Sheikh Cerrah Quarter in occupied East Jerusalem until 18:00 local time yesterday.

After the Israeli police did not withdraw from Masjid al-Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah, Palestinian resistance groups fired many rockets at Israel. Thereupon, the Israeli army announced that a military operation called “Guard of the Walls” was launched against the Gaza Strip. In the attacks of the Israeli army, 12 children, 35 Palestinians lost their lives, 233 people were injured.

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