Simsek, his father, Dr. After Gürsel Şimşek’s death last year, he resigned from his position at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery.
30-year-old Şimşek, who quit his job as a doctor and took over the family business like his father, continues his father’s legacy as a paddy producer in İpsala, where most of Turkey’s rice production is made.
Şimşek, who quit his career as a surgeon and started farming, produces with around 30 workers on an area of 7 thousand decares, and meets with his employees every day. Şimşek, who goes to the field by getting on the tractor, examines and gets information from the employees.
Şimşek told Anadolu Agency (AA) that he started to reflect the discipline of medicine to agricultural production.

Stating that he made a radical decision by leaving his doctorate, Şimşek said, “I was working at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Cardiovascular Surgery. Last year, after my father’s sudden death, we took over the business and took over the flag. I am interested in paddy production.” said.
Explaining that he made such a decision to continue his father’s legacy and contribute to the country’s production, Şimşek stated that they are trying to continue the family production of 30 years.
Explaining that he chose to be a doctor willingly, but preferred to enter agricultural production in the developing process, Şimşek said:

“I am a medical doctor like my father. After my father’s death last year, I resigned to ensure the continuation of our family farming and took over the flag. This is not an easy decision. Today, young people do not want to do agricultural production and are moving away from farming. Agriculture is losing its popularity among young people. I I am happy to have taken this decision and I believe we will do this job.”
Şimşek reminded that the new type of coronavirus epidemic once again revealed the importance of agricultural production.
“We must continue production and protect the land”
Noting that agricultural production has a strategic aspect and in this sense, contributing to the agriculture of the city and the country is valuable for him, Şimşek continued as follows:
“We may face crises such as epidemics, global climate change and drought in the coming periods. This is also very dangerous for our country. We must continue production and protect the land. We also continue to produce in this region. This is a very important point for our country, Turkey.” “The gate of Europe to Europe is Greece. It is not the wind that will wave the flags in our production center, but the power of production. We will continue to produce and wave this flag along the border.”

Expressing that paddy production is a difficult process, Şimşek stated that after the preparations that started in April, the seeds were brought together with the soil in May.
Explaining that they looked after the plant like a baby for about 140 days after planting, Şimşek said, “We must diagnose any problem and disease that may be encountered very quickly and treat it correctly and on time. To follow the rice plant closely in the field every morning, like visiting the patient’s room every morning in the hospital. It is very important. We transfer the discipline we learned at the hospital here.” he said.
Şimşek added that after his father’s death, they hung his picture on the wall of the production center and that they always felt himself with them spiritually.