Within the scope of TEKNOFEST, awards were given in technology competitions organized under 35 different topics, from Artificial Intelligence in Health to Agricultural SGA, from Rocket to Unmanned Underwater Systems.
In the award ceremonies held at Atatürk Airport, a total of 328 teams from 75 categories were awarded.

In Teknofest, which has competitions in many fields, many projects took place among those who closely follow the technologies in the field of Health. Biotechnology, which is considered one of the world’s new and most important research areas in the 21st century, was also one of the popular areas in Teknofest project competitions.
The “Biotechnology Innovation Competition” projects, which are organized for students and cover the technological applications of biological systems, which are of interest to a wide spectrum from basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics to engineering, social sciences and their applications, were exhibited at Teknofest. Under this title, a total of 9 projects from 3 sub-categories were awarded with the support of TÜBİTAK MAM.

In TEKNOFEST, where competitions in different categories are held every year, the “Artificial Intelligence in Health” competition took place for the first time this year
The “Artificial Intelligence in Health” competition, which took place for the first time this year at TEKNOFEST, where competitions in different categories are held every year, was conducted by TÜSEB and supported by the General Directorate of Health Information Systems.
The “Artificial Intelligence in Health” competition aims to raise awareness and awareness in the field of health, to find solutions to problems that may be encountered, and to increase knowledge and trained manpower.
For this purpose, many projects made by the students were evaluated and 51 teams that passed the pre-selection competed in the competition. The team that won the first place, AI-DEO, presented their award on the stage of TEKNOFEST to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Nobel Prize-winning Scientist Prof. Dr. He took it from Aziz Sancar’s hand.
One of the most important stands visited by those who are devoted to health science and technologies was the TÜSEB stand. Visitors to the TÜSEB stand examined the first local COVID-vaccine TURKOVAC, the first local high-end Ventilator BIOVENT and the local COVID-19 diagnostic kit DIAKİT developed by TÜSEB.
Biovent Ventilator and Turkavac, which emerged as proof of the increase in R&D studies in the health field after the COVID-19 pandemic, revealed that Turkey’s developing technologies have gained momentum in this field. Children who will be the engineers and scientists of the future also had a good time at the TÜSEB booth. Children met with laboratory materials and played science games with VR (virtual reality) technology.
Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank received information about the Chest Therapy Device produced with the COVID-19 Project call

R&D companies producing domestic devices in the field of Health Technologies also exhibited their devices at Teknofest. The Oscillating Chest Therapy Device developed with the COVID-19 project call at the Hamle Engineering booth located in the tent of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey attracted the attention of many visitors, including the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank.

Mustafa Varank got information about this device after visiting the stand. It was emphasized that the Chest Therapy Device was mainly developed for Covid patients in order to effectively provide airway clearance therapy with a vest. The device is based on the principle of gently squeezing and loosening the chest wall and expelling the accumulated secretion fluids out of the body thanks to the air flow formed in the lungs.
It was stated that the Chest Therapy Device, which achieved high success in the clinical test stages, will begin to be used in hospitals after the certification processes.