In her statement, Togg stated that the pre-order right will be offered through NFT Auction, YeniLig Contest and lottery methods.

Turkey’s Automobile Enterprise Group Togg is rapidly advancing towards becoming a global technology brand. The company, which has recently launched the mobile application of its digital platform Trumore through the App Store, Google Play and App Gallery, has now announced that three different methods will be offered for pre-ordering the vehicle.
Domestic car orders will be delivered throughout 2023
It has been announced that the pre-order right for domestic electric models called smart devices, not cars, will be offered through NFT Auction, New League Competition and lottery methods. In the post on Twitter, it is stated that the first models to be delivered in 2023 will be delivered to their owners by these methods.
Explaining that the aforementioned methods will take place in the Trumore application, respectively, the company states that pre-orders will start in February. The first orders are planned to be delivered to their owners at the end of the first quarter of the year. In 2023, orders will be delivered with priority for individual users.
As previously announced, Togg will put on sale 2023 NFTs, specially prepared for the 100th anniversary of our Republic, with the auction to be launched via the Trumore application. Those who buy these NFTs are called “100. Year Special Series” Togg smart devices will be entitled to participate in the pre-order and determine their ranking.
On the other hand, Togg’s biggest customers will be public institutions. Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati announced that the state would offer a purchase guarantee for Togg. Accordingly, we will see vehicles signed by Togg in the authorities of the state soon.
The countdown has now begun for the domestic electric car. The pre-order methods determined for Togg are also expected to be implemented in the near future. So what do you think about Togg and the models it reveals? You can share your views with us in the comments section.