Turkish students break new ground with their studies at TEKNOFEST

Turkey’s best technology festival TEKNOFEST brought students together this year.

Autonomous vehicles designed and developed by Turkish students competed with each other.

University students coming from many cities of Turkey to attend TEKNOFEST made them our proud of their work and they said that they are improving their work day by day. Teachers flocked to the festival to share in the success of Turkish students, teachers said they always trust their students.

Kocaeli University students participated in the competition with ROBO

Kocaeli University Mechatronics Engineering students took part in the competition with ROBO and said that the car they built was equipped with professional equipment and they added that these equipments are quite costly.

Turkey’s future is in the hands of bright minds

In the competition, where high school, associate, undergraduate, graduate students and graduates can participate individually or as a team, the finalists are expected to perform various tasks autonomously in the real track environment, which is valid in both categories. Within the scope of the competition organized with the aim of developing autonomous driving algorithms, teams are evaluated in 4 stages: Preliminary Design Report (PDR), Preliminary Design Presentation, Critical Design Report (CDR) and Vehicle Test Video.

In the Original Vehicle category, the first prize will be 75 thousand liras, the second prize will be 50 thousand liras, and the third prize will be 35 thousand liras. In the Ready Car category, the first team will win 40 thousand liras, the second 30 thousand liras and the third 20 thousand liras.

There is great interest in the Robotaksi Passenger Autonomous Vehicle Competition, which was held for the 4th time this year with the cooperation of TÜBİTAK, Bilişim Vadisi and HAVELSAN

In the competition where a total of 154 teams applied, 84 in the Original Vehicle category and 70 in the Ready-Made Vehicle category, 24 vehicles in the Original Vehicle category and 7 vehicles in the Ready-made Vehicle category were entitled to enter the race area.

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