US political scientist Coffey: Turkish influence on the rise in Central Asia, Caucasus and Afghanistan

Coffey, Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, noted that the last five years have shown Turkish influence in the region and that Turkey has become an influential actor.

Presidency’s Directorate of Communications conducted a series of interviews with experts in their fields, titled “Rebuilding Confidence and Refreshing Hope in the Post-Kovid-19 Period: Turkey’s Perspective on the International Order”, within the scope of the 76th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), where the UN reform was also discussed.

In this context, Luke Coffey, Director of Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, evaluated the situation in Afghanistan before the United Nations General Assembly, the importance of Turkey in the region and the UN reform.

Emphasizing that Turkey’s influence has increased in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Afghanistan for the last five or six years, Coffey said that despite the existing difficulties in the relationship, Turkey’s alliance and its place in NATO have greatly benefited the United States.

“Turkey and the Turkish flag symbolize neutrality”

Coffey stated that the elements that unite Turkey and the United States are more than those that divide them, and noted the following about the role Turkey can play in Afghanistan:

“As far as Afghanistan is concerned, Turkey can play a minimal role for the US in Afghanistan. It can support US interests against the Taliban or play a minor role in communicating them. Let’s say if there is a hostage situation or if humanitarian aid needs to be distributed, Turkey will cooperate with the Taliban. It can coordinate because I think all parties see Turkey as an impartial mediator in Afghanistan.Whether you support the Taliban, support the resistance movement or really just want to move on with your life, I think Turkey and the Turkish flag symbolize neutrality. He is seen as a mediator, and this can benefit both the United States and the people of Afghanistan.”

Evaluating that calls to be made to the US administration regarding the Afghanistan issue at this year’s United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that will take place in the shadow of the US’s defeat in Afghanistan, Coffrey said, “The Biden administration has shown that it has no desire or desire to do anything in Afghanistan. “We saw what you would call a collapse, or even a fiasco, which I would call a national disgrace. Since the Biden administration did not want to maintain even a small group of US troops in the country, we saw what has happened recently, and right now the Biden administration wants to watch Afghanistan from the rear view mirror.” he said.

“America’s image and prestige in the world has been tarnished because of Afghanistan”

Noting that the steps of the US in the withdrawal process from Afghanistan were met with question marks by its allies in the international arena, Coffey argued that the Biden administration could not manage this process well.

“Of course, not only the Biden administration’s reputation was damaged, but America’s image and prestige in the world was also tarnished because of what the Biden administration did in Afghanistan. For this reason, the Taliban are much more dominant in Afghanistan today compared to 20 years ago when the September 11 attacks took place in 2001,” Coffey said. “The Biden administration’s move has left many of our partners and allies questioning American determination.” he said.

Luke Coffey also evaluated the role of the UN in international politics and the need for reform of the organization.

Stating that he is not very optimistic about the role of the UN in the face of important international issues today, Coffey cited the fact that states are focused on their national interests and that there is no consensus on many important and contentious issues in the world.

“We can only look at the Karabakh war a year ago. In this war, Azerbaijan, after almost 30 years of unsuccessful UN process and unsuccessful OSCE process, had to implement four UN resolutions taken in the nineties on its own. The UN showed sheer unwillingness or unwillingness to resolve this issue. ” Using his statements, Coffey stated that the problem stems from the structure of the UN, but he did not suggest a better option.

Coffey concluded his words as follows:

“When there are five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council who hold the veto power and these five members cannot agree, some see the world in one way and others in a different way, and you get into a stalemate. The United Nations Security Council believes that the permanent members should give up their veto rights. “I’m not saying that. I think they will never give up these rights, but we must at least acknowledge that this is the core of the problem facing the UN.”

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