İsmail Demir, President of the Presidential Defense Industry, said that there is no legal basis for the USA to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and said, “We said that no country can be excluded from the F-35 program unilaterally. The last letter of the USA proved us right.”
It happens by the unanimity of all partners
Meeting with the members of the Economy Correspondents Association, Demir recalled the memorandum of understanding signed for the F-35 program and said, “According to this text, the removal of any partner from here can only be unanimous or withdrawn from all partners.” said.
No legal basis
Demir said, “Although none of this happened,” I took out Turkey “statements do not have a legal basis,” he said.
A new dialogue process will begin
İsmail Demir said, “A dialogue process will begin with the United States to find a solution that is not against the spirit of alliance and that our rights regarding our aircraft are not lost,” said İsmail Demir.