GÖKBEY and AKSUNGUR will make a special flight show for TEKNOFEST for the first time

According to the statement made by TAI, TEKNOFEST 2021 will perform HÜRKUŞ, AKSUNGUR and GÖKBEY flight shows.

HÜRKUŞ, AKSUNGUR and GÖKBEY will perform a flight show at TEKNOFEST 2021, where products developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) will be exhibited.

According to the statement made by TAI, the company will take its place in TEKNOFEST, Turkey’s aviation, space and technology festival, attended by hundreds of thousands of people from all ages.

TAI will answer questions about talent programs, recruitment processes and career at the festival.

The company will also organize surprise events that will increase the interaction among young participants, including enjoyable activities called “You’re the Pilot” and “Focus and Fly”.

HÜRKUŞ, which will perform a demonstration flight this year as in previous years, will take the breath of the participants this time with the Air Ground Integration Aircraft (HYEU), which was introduced for the first time in the past months.

GÖKBEY Utility Helicopter and AKSUNGUR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, which are unique platforms developed by TAI, will exhibit a special flight show for TEKNOFEST for the first time.

As part of the festival, VR-based virtual hangar tours, simulators that offer the opportunity to experience aircraft, and many surprise events will be held at the TAI stand.

The finalists of the Helicopter Design Competition, which takes place with great excitement every year, will also be announced at TEKNOFEST.

TUSAŞ General Manager Temel Kotil, whose views were also included in the statement, stated that they are preparing valuable events for TEKNOFEST, Turkey’s first aviation, space and technology festival, which is one of the most beautiful developments of the National Technology Move initiated under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Kotil stated that they were excited to meet with the children who participated in the festival, which started at the primary school level, where the curiosity of technology and science came into being. we hear.” used the phrases.

Virtual hangar tours will be held for TEKNOFEST participants through the TUSAS APP application developed by TUSAŞ, which broke new grounds in the defense industry, and the company’s products will be closely examined in a virtual environment.

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