MESS, T.C. The “Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence for Human Resources” project is being implemented for the first time in Turkey, under the leadership of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Center of Turkey, which was established in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The aim of the project is to develop an ethical, responsible and human-centered approach during adaptation to new technologies.
“We lead the cultural transformation”
Özgür Burak Akkol, Chairman of the Board of MESS, made evaluations about the project in question and emphasized that they aim to initiate the establishment of human-oriented artificial intelligence strategies.
Pointing out that they lead the cultural transformation for the adaptation of the public and business world to the aforementioned technologies, Akkol expressed that new generation policies and new generation solutions are necessary for new generation technologies.
Noting that these technologies save time in HR processes from scanning thousands of resumes to automatic replies, Akkol argued that finding hidden talents with these tools and improving results by offering customized services and training will make significant contributions to HR teams, and that making decisions using data instead of instincts will bring results that will benefit employees.
The public, private sector and academia cooperated
In the first phase of the project, the workshop, which will lay the foundations of the strong infrastructure of human-centered and ethical use of artificial intelligence to trigger cultural transformation, was held in collaboration with more than 40 public, private sector and academia.
World Economic Forum Project Leader and McGill University Organizational Behavior Professor Matissa Hollister and Microsoft Turkey Deputy General Manager Münir Kundakçı attended the workshop as guest speakers and shared important information.
Outputs will be published globally
WEF will share the outputs of the workshop with the public through its global network, where important issues such as the role of artificial intelligence in the short and medium-term future of HR, artificial intelligence strategy in HR, development of policies and procedures, and shaping best use cases are discussed.