Kocaeli and İzmir will merge with the technology corridor

With the President’s Decision, an area of approximately 180 thousand square meters in İzmir was combined with the corporate structure of Informatics Valley and determined as the “İzmir Technology Base” additional area.

Informatics Valley General Manager Serdar İbrahimcioğlu spoke about the importance of the technology corridor that will be formed between Kocaeli and İzmir, regarding the 180 thousand square meter area in İzmir being an additional area of the “İzmir Technology Base” of Informatics Valley.

A new step has been taken for technological integration

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who made the official opening of Informatics Valley in 2019, said at the ceremony that they would bring the new technology development zone to be established next to İzmir Institute of Technology under the roof of Vadi.

President Erdoğan said, “Here is the Osmangazi Bridge. It is now possible to reach İzmir in 2.5 hours. In this way, we bring Kocaeli and İzmir together in terms of technology. We are in pursuit of creating an internationally competitive technology base with the knowledge to be gained here.” he said.

According to the statement made by Bilişim Vadisi, it was stated that a new step was taken for the technological integration of Kocaeli and İzmir, and T.C. It was stated that with the Presidential Decision published in the Official Gazette, an area of approximately 180 thousand square meters in İzmir was combined with the corporate structure of the Valley and determined as the “İzmir Technology Base” additional area.

It will increase global competition

Informatics Valley General Manager Serdar İbrahimcioğlu, who shared his views on the subject, pointed out that Informatics Valley is Turkey’s largest technology development region, “With this decision, the technology corridor to be formed between Kocaeli and İzmir, the global competition in technology with the experience, knowledge and experience of Informatics Valley will increase.” used the phrases.

We are building a wallless technopark

Noting that the developing ecosystem of the Valley has started to make a significant contribution to the digitalization of the industry and the development of the software industry with its universities, institutes and infrastructures, İbrahimcioğlu continued his words as follows:

“This contribution also integrates, strengthens and grows with the Information Valley İzmir Technology Base. Thus, we are establishing a wallless technopark with a decentralized R&D approach.”

It will carry its cooperation network to Izmir

In this direction, Valley will carry the national and international cooperation network it has developed to Izmir with the Izmir Technology Base. İzmir Technology Base will host national and international companies with the high and useful technology it will produce.

Entrepreneurs will be supported with the R&D and incubation center to be established here, thus contributing to employment and production in the city.

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