Police will talk nonstop in disasters and emergencies

With its Mobile Communication Vehicle, ASELSAN will provide uninterrupted radio communication of the General Directorate of Security in case of disasters and emergencies.

A new solution has been added to the solutions produced by the company for the communication needs of the security units.

In line with the needs and demands of the General Directorate of Security, the Mobile Communication Tool was developed in order to provide uninterrupted radio communication in disaster and emergency situations. The vehicle was introduced at the 15th International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF 2021).

The vehicle, which has a locality rate of 70 percent, can provide radio calls and data transmission by integrating with PolNet infrastructure and Crypto National DMR Digital Radio Systems in 24 provinces via satellite. It can be included in the communication in the capital by being integrated into the Ankara system from Istanbul.

Effective in an area of 15-30 kilometers

The vehicle can provide radio communication in an area of 15-30 kilometers around the vehicle with its analog and encrypted digital radio repeaters.

The Mobile Communication Vehicle can provide telephone communication in all directions by integrating with the central switchboard systems of the General Directorate of Security via satellite.

Data communication can be realized by making PolNet integration over GSM lines.

Thanks to the systems in the vehicle, it is possible to communicate with the satellite phone, manage the radio devices within the coverage area, and monitor the positions of the radios via the Geographical Analysis System.

Uninterrupted communication in the event of a possible earthquake

The coverage area of the Mobile Combat Vehicle can be increased thanks to the electrical control mechanism that can be raised 11 meters and 2 antenna towers that can be opened.

Thanks to the generator on the vehicle, the vehicle can operate 24 hours a day without external energy.

In an earthquake scenario in Istanbul, the Mobile Combat Vehicle will be able to replace that system in case any system is out of order, and it will be able to continue communication only as a system, as well as integrating with existing systems.

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