Turkish Parliament condemns Israel’s attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa

Parliamentary groups of AK Party, CHP, HDP, MHP and IYI Party issued a joint statement, condemning Israel’s attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa, upon the proposal of the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Mustafa Şentop.

In the statement, which was the first signatory of the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Mustafa Şentop, Israel’s violence against the civil and vulnerable Palestinian people in Jerusalem, oppressive policies and attempts to prevent freedom of worship gained a dire dimension right on the eve of Eid al-Fitr.

Reminding that the heinous attacks carried out by the Israeli security forces with gas, plastic bullets and sound bombs in and around the Sacred Place Masjid Al-Aqsa caused the injury of many innocent Palestinians, including babies and children, the statement said, ” We condemn strongly. ” expression was used.

In the statement, which emphasized that Israel’s operations for the forced evictions of Palestinians in the Sheikh Cerrah and Silvan neighborhoods of Jerusalem in favor of illegal settlers by seizing their homes for generations, were unlawful and inhuman, the following was noted:

We state that we fully support the call of the United Nations (UN) to Israel to stop destruction and evacuations within the framework of international humanitarian law and human rights law, and to protect the status quo of holy places, and that all UN member states should stand firmly behind this call. The decision of the ICC that has jurisdiction in the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967, paved the way for Israel to be held accountable for the crimes committed in the Palestinian territories and to identify those responsible for these crimes. We demand and support that by taking a clear stand against Israel in terms of the events and crimes against humanity, to fulfill its duty.

We call on the whole world to take effective and effective action by the international community against Israel’s violations of international law, including the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly regarding Jerusalem. As the Turkish Grand National Assembly, to always react to Israel’s aggressive actions aimed at eroding the status of Jerusalem and the Harem-i Sharif and attempts to usurp the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people; We strongly declare that we will continue to defend the Palestinian cause and the struggle of the brotherly Palestinian people for freedom, justice and independence.”

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